Zurich Airport

Zurich Airport
We arrived in Zurich with our trendy new rucksacks on wheels - we were packed and ready to travel!! Our plan was to spend two nights in Zurich and travel to Bern for one day for some sight seeing. Our long awaited trip had started.....

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Chasing the Northern lights

Our first trip out to see the Northern Lights was a huge disappointment - we had 100% cloud cover and did not see anything resembling the Aurora. We went again two nights later (on my Birthday!) and travelled all the way out to the Finland border. We had crystal clear skies and the most heavenly display of the Northern Lights that we could ever ever have hoped for!!! Streams of emerald green light rippled across the night sky and flowed like lava in the blackness. We saw all the shades of green but also purples and reds that are caused by the solar winds striking Nitrogen particles and collisions higher up in the atmosphere. What a way to celebrate the big 43!
Ons eerste trippie uit om die Northern Lights te sien was n groot teleurstelling, daar was n laag dik wolke en ons het niks gesen wat soos die Aurora gelyk het. Ons het weer op 11 Maart uitgegaan en 2 ure gery totdat ons amper by die Finland grens was, daar het ons n fantastiese verskynsel van die Aurora Borealis (Northern Lights) beleef. Alle kleure en skakerings van groen soewel as pers en rooi (wat veroorsaak word deur die Son wind wat met stikstof partikels in die atmosfeer bots). Dit was n wonderlikke belewenis en ons het regtig gevoel dit was n bederf van die Here!