Zurich Airport

Zurich Airport
We arrived in Zurich with our trendy new rucksacks on wheels - we were packed and ready to travel!! Our plan was to spend two nights in Zurich and travel to Bern for one day for some sight seeing. Our long awaited trip had started.....

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bariloche - The Lake District of Patagonia

We have just arrived in the beautiful Lake district of Patagonia, staying in a hostel and have 2 lazy days getting everything organized. I have found out that this is a prime trout fishing area and hope to buy a second hand trout rod / reel and flies tomorrow. We will hire a car and spend the next 10 days travelling to th many lakes and small villages in the area. Hopefully the next Blog picture will be us holding a big fat Rainbow trout ; ).
Ons het nou net in die pragtige dorp van Bariloche aangekom - dit is omring met berge en mere. Die eerste twee dae was baie rustig maar more gaan ons n kar huur en al die klein dorpies / mere / bege in die distrik gaan besoek. Ons het pas uitgevind dat hierdie n baie bekende forel hengel area is en ek gaan more probeer om n tweede handse visstok / katrol by een van die Argentieneers t koop. Hopenlik sal die volgende blog foto een van ek en Glaudine met n groot forel wees ; ).