Ons het n dag in die Recoleta distrik gespandeer - dit is ryk in geskiedenis en daar is n baie sterk Spaanse / Italiaanse invloed. Ons het die kuns museum bygewoon en ook die begrafplaas waar Evita Peron begrawe is. Sy was n lid van die Duarte familie en is in hulle familie mausoleum begrawe. Daar was ook n bedrywige ope lug mark aan die gang met baie interessante stalletjies en mense wat optree / kunstenaars.
We spent a day walking around the Recoleta district - an area rich in history / tradition with a strong Spanish and Italian influence. We spent a few hours in the National Art gallery and also went to the burial site of Evita Peron. She was a member of the Duarte family and is buried in their very ornate family mausoleum. There is also a very strong Roman Catholic presence in the city with many churches and monuments.
There was a fantastic open air market as it was a Public holiday - many interesting stalls and performing artists / craftsmen.