Zurich Airport

Zurich Airport
We arrived in Zurich with our trendy new rucksacks on wheels - we were packed and ready to travel!! Our plan was to spend two nights in Zurich and travel to Bern for one day for some sight seeing. Our long awaited trip had started.....

Friday, March 25, 2011

Kirkeness, Norway

Kirkeness is far North in Norway and very close to the Russian border - this is real frontier country and usually covered in snow and ice. We are very lucky as there is a 1000km dog sled race that passes through Kirkeness while we are there. This is a huge event on the Norwegian calendar and pretty much the same as arriving in Pretoria while the World Cup rugby is on ; ). We see the Northern lights again when we go out dog sledding with a Belgium guide. We help to get the 8 dogs together and in their harnesses, they all get really excited when they find out that they are going for a run and start barking madly. It is almost the same as when we go pig hunting with my friend's pig hunting dogs in Knysna - they love to hunt and get very excited when the bakkie arrives to load them. We also stay one night in the spectacular Kirkeness Snow Hotel and go on a snow mobile expedition which was pretty exciting and a new experience for both of us.
Ons ry met die Ferry boot na die dorp van Kirkeness wat ver in die Noorde van Norwee is - dit is naby aan die grens van Rusland en meeste van die jaar bedek met sneeu en ys. Ons is bevooreg om daar te wees terwyl n 1000km honde slee reis aan die gang is - die Noorweers is mal oor hulle honde slee reisies en dit is dieselfde as om in Pretoria te wees in die middel van die Wereld beker Rugby toernooi. Ons bly een aand in die ongellooflikke Kirkeness Sneeu Hotel (n hotel wat uitsluitlik van sneeu gebou is!) en gaan op n sneeu scooter expedisie - baie opwindend en n nuwe ervaring vir albei van ons.