Ons Suid Afrikaners het ook n interessante geskiedenis hier in Patagonia! In 1902 (net na die einde van die Boere Oorlog) het n klein groep Afrikaner “Bittereinders” op die Ooskus van Patagonia (Comodoro) aangekom. Hulle was die Boere wat nie bereid was om onder n Britse regering in Suid Afrika aan te bly nie. Hulle het in moelilikke omstandighede plase in Patagonia gestig en van die oorspronlikke 300 families is daar nou omtrent 4000 afstammelinge in hierdie distrik. Baie van hulle praat nog Afrikaans by die huis en natuurlik ook Spaans. Hulle is bekend vir die hoe gehalte van hulle wol skape (Australiaanse Merino’s) en baie goeie boerderye.
The South Africans also have a fascinating history in Patagonia – soon after the end of the Anglo Boer war (1902) a small group of Afrikaner Boer settlers travelled by ship from Cape Town to the town of Comodoro on the East coast of Patagonia. This group of Boers were called the “Bittereinders” or “Bitter enders” – people who refused to live under British rule in South Africa and were determined to make a new life for themsleves. There are currently approximately 4000 descendants of the original 300 families that relocated to Patagonia and many of them still speak Afrikaans at home and fluent Spanish. They have a reputation for having good farms and breeding excellent quality Australian Merino sheep.