Zurich Airport

Zurich Airport
We arrived in Zurich with our trendy new rucksacks on wheels - we were packed and ready to travel!! Our plan was to spend two nights in Zurich and travel to Bern for one day for some sight seeing. Our long awaited trip had started.....

Saturday, April 16, 2011

The Big Road Trip (Andesmar Bus Company)

We decided to travel from Bariloche to Mendoza by bus so that we would see some of the country side (and it was cheaper!) The bus trip took 16 hours but the big tour buses are really comfy and you get Semi Cama seats that are like travelling business class on a 747. We got lots of time to read and play Angry Birds on the I-pad. Ons het besluit om met die bus van Bariloche na Mendoza toe te ry. Dit was n 16 ure bus trippie maar ons het darem iets van die land gesien en dit was ook goedkoper as om te vlieg. Die busse is baie gemaklik en jy kry n Semi-Cama sitplek wat soos besigheids klas op n vliegtuig is. Ons het baie tyd gehad vir lees en Angry Birds speel op die I-pad ; ).