Ons het vroeg vertrek van San Pedro en met n bussie gery na die warm water geysers in die berge. Die warm water en stoom kom van die hitte diep onder die grond. Dit is baie mooi vroeg in die oggend a groot wolke stoom afgeblaas word and water borrel soos dit kook - hier moet jy maar versigtig loop anders beland jy in die kook pot!! Ons het ook in warm water bron gaan swem en die vroee oggend warm bad baie geniet. We made an early morning departure from San Pedro and travelled to the high altitude geyers to take photos of the steam and bubbling hot water cauldrons. The heat originates from volcanic activity deep under the earth's surface and the water comes boiling and bubbling to the surface. We also travelled to nearby warm water spring and relaxed in the soothing hot bath temperature water. The grass surrounding the water water spring was covered in ice as the night time temperatures here fall to minus 10 degrees centigrade.